Thursday, May 5, 2016

Spring Time Fun Time

Spring in Ireland....cold, warm, rainy, stormy, sunny, name it we have it but because its spring we can't resist getting out there. 

Did you all plant your spring bulbs? My tulips and daffodils are coming into bloom and I can't but love the sight of them. They just bring a smile to the saddest of gardens....which at the moment ours is, mossy grass, a sick cherry blossom and cement walls. 

Getting your teeth into a new garden is no mean feat, or a cheap one. Its so hard to resist all the beautiful shrubs and plants in the garden centres but if the ground work isn't done theres no point. So watch this space for our garden revamp. Its gonna be fab!

Ive allowed myself a few tulips and daffys this year and Im so thrilled I did.

Our local park is to die for, its a large house on an enormous estate and was only recently opened to the public. It has beautiful walks by a roaring river and sneaky paths through scented canopies that we can't resist. 
My son is 4 now and is loving that his little legs can take him on adventures through paths carved out by nosey dogs sniffing out rabbits. I can only imagine how he must think its a wonderland all for himself!! We go almost every day and he's still not sick of the new nooks and crannies we find. We are a very lucky duo.


So wrap up and get out there it will be worth your while.

Nic x   


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